Maine Modernizes Employment Security Law Posting

Maine Employment Security Law PostingComing fast on the heels of the state’s updated Minimum Wage posting, the Maine Department of Labor has released a new version of the Maine Employment Security Law posting. The Maine Employment Security Law posting informs full- and part-time workers of their rights and responsibilities when filing for unemployment benefits.

The most noticeable difference is a graphic design update which creates a visual consistency between the Employment Security Law posting and other postings created by the Maine Department of Labor. This includes a heading which displays the title of the law described by the posting, a citation of the section of the Maine Revised Statutes which mandates that employers must post the poster in a place where workers can easily see it, the Maine seal, the Maine Department of Labor logo, and a toll-free telephone number which individuals can call if they require more information about the posting.

However, the most significant change is actually the addition of a paragraph informing potential claimants that all individuals filing for unemployment benefits are required by law to be registered with the Maine JobLink. Maine JobLink, an online job-matching system, was launched in July of 2016 as a replacement for the previous system, the Maine Job Bank. The switch from requiring claimants to register with a local employment office to requiring registration with an online system represents the modernization of the unemployment benefits system that is occurring in several states (including Nebraska, which also recently updated its Unemployment Insurance posting to include a claimant’s responsibility to create a searchable, online resume). Accordingly, the new form also highlights filing benefits claims online as the “fastest, easiest way to file”.

The revised posting has a revision date of 12/2016. Prior to this update, it was last revised in July of 2012.

If you’ve already received your Maine Minimum Wage Peel ‘N Post, you can bring your All-On-One Poster up-to-date with a Maine Employment Security Law Peel ‘N Post. If you’re running behind, you can order an all-new Maine All-On-One Poster to ensure you have the most recent version of all required Maine postings.