North Carolina Workers Compensation Required Update

North Carolina’s required Workers’ Compensation Notice Form 17 (English version) has been updated. Specifically, in reference to assistance with Safety Education Training, the phrase “at no cost” has been removed from the notice. The notice revision date was also updated.

This change was made because Safety Education Training is no longer available free of charge. Pursuant to legislative authority, the Industrial Commission is authorized to establish reasonable fees for Safety Education Training. The Industrial Commission has established a fee schedule for these services. The fee schedule is now in effect and is available online at the Industrial Commission’s website along with a list of training programs and materials.

Customers with a poster revision date of 11/2009 or later can use the new North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Peel ‘N Post (#33700-English, #33701-Spanish) to remain in compliance with posting requirements, or purchase a new NC All-On-One labor law poster (#83733-English, #84733-Spanish) that also includes minor changes since the last poster update.